The figures in the ANCIENT INDIAN range are suitable to build  allied contingents for inclusion in Persian, Imperial Macedonian or Successor armies. Or of course,  for Indian armies in their own right complete with war elephants and chariots.


IND 1 Infantry standing/advancing. Jav. and shield

IND 1a Infantryman with large standard   $5.50

IND 1b Infantryman with large parasol    $5.50

IND 2 Infantryman throwing javelin. Shield.

IND 3 Armoured infantryman throwing javelin. Shield.

IND 4 Infantry swordsman with shield.

IND 5 Drummer.

IND 6 Officer with sword and shield.

IND 7 Archer firing

IND 8 Archer loading.

IND 9 Armoured archer firing.

IND10 Armoured archer loading.

IND11 Cavalryman with shield and javelin.

IND11a Cavalryman with large standard and shield  $5.50

IND12 Cavalry officer. Helmet, sword and shield.



IND13 Elephant rider throwing javelin.

IND14 Elephant rider, General in helmet and armour.

IND15 Elephant driver.

IND16 Elephant archer firing.

IND17 Elephant rider with large standard. $5.50

IND17a  Elephant rider with large parasol.  $5.50

IND18 Large parasol  $3.75

IND19 Large standard $2.75

IND20 Indian war elephant   $24.75

IND21 Indian war elephant with decorative trappings (command elephant)

IND22 Bolt shooter with 2 crew.   $15.50

IND23 2 Horse chariot with driver. $23.00

IND24 4 Horse chariot with driver  $30.50

INDH1 Indian cavalry horse with decorative trappings.

NB. Elephants require a crew consisting of a driver and 2 other figures  to be selected from IND13--17a. Add cost of chosen figures to elephant price.

NB. 2 horse chariot will need 2 or 3 extra crew apart from the supplied driver.

       4 horse chariot will need 3 or 4 extra crew apart from the supplied driver.

Any of the infantry figures or archers are suitable.

4 horse chariots should have a total crew of 6. However this looks cramped, so we suggest 4 crew achieves the desired appearance.

