25mm Celts

The Celts of continental Europe being migratory peoples, came into (often violent) contact with all the others inhabitants of the southern Mediterranean. They clashed with the peoples of Spain, the Etruscans and later the Romans of Italy. In the 3rd century BC. they raided Thrace, Greece and Asia Minor. Eventually carving out their own state of Galatia. The Carthaginians, various states of Asia Minor and Syracuse all used Celts as mercenaries. it was not until Julius Caesar in the mid 1st century BC. that the power and independence of the Celts was broken and Gaul became a roman province. There was very little difference between continental Gauls and the Celtic inhabitants of the British Isles. This range of figures is suitable for representing Celtic armies from approx400BC. to approx 30BC. the heavier chariot (similar to Etruscan), and the naked warriors are more suited to the earlier period.


CC 1 earlier Celtic chariot. 2 horses. driver. chieftain
CC 2 earlier Celtic chariot. 2 horses. driver. warrior
CC 3 light Celtic chariot. half moon side panels. kneeling driver. chieftain
CC 4 light Celtic chariot. half moon side panels. kneeling driver. warrior
CC 5 light Celtic chariot. twin arched side panels. kneeling. driver. chieftain.
CC 6 light Celtic chariot. twin arched side panels. kneeling. driver. warrior
CT 1  naked warrior. limed hair/bare head (v2)
CT 2 naked warrior. limed hair/bare head (v2) running /attacking
CT 3 warrior barechest. trousers (v4)
CT 4 warrior barechest. trousers (v4) running/attacking
CT 5 warrior tunic and trousers (v4)
CT 6 warrior tunic and trousers (v4) running/attacking
CT 7 warrior blowing carnyx (v5)
CT 8 warrior blowing horn (v4) spear and shield
CT 9 warrior with ornate standard. tunic, trousers, cloak. shield (v6)
CT 10 warrior with boar standard. tunic, trousers, cloak. shield (v6)
CT 11 warrior trousers, tunic, cloak (v6)
CT 12 chieftain or noble. mail and cloak
CT 13 mailed warrior or noble. attacking (v7)
CT 14 warrior. tunic (v7)
CT 15 mailed warrior (v7)
CT 16 standard bearer. tunic (v7) ornate standard. shield
CT 17 standard bearer. tunic (v7) boar standard. shield 
CT18 standard bearer. mail (v7) ornate standard. shield
CT 19 standard bearer. mail (v7)  boar standard. shield 
CTH 1 walking/trotting. trappings
CTH 2 walking/trotting. saddlecloth
CTH 3 walking/trotting. head reined back
CTH 4 heavy horse galloping. saddlecloth

All figures are supplied with spear and sword and shield. The letter (v) after a code denotes the number of varieties in that code which are supplied at random.

Celtic Figure Prices: 

CC1/CC2 $25.00 each

CC3-CC6 $23.00 each

Foot figures /cavalry riders $2.75 each

Cavalry horse $3.75 each



